Deus Loci NS 16 (2018-2019)
Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal NS 16 (2018-2019)
Remembrances of Michael Haag
- Ian S. MacNiven
- Peter Baldwin
- Charles and Isaac Sligh
- Michael Haag “The Mystery of Karm Abu Girg”
- Ian S. MacNiven “Climax in Crete”
- Christine Costanza “The Foundling Heart: Reflections on Incest in Durrell’s Justine and Mountolive“
- Luca Barbaglia and Bartolo Casiraghi “Scobie’s (Un)Common Usage: Myth and Irony as Tools of Epistemological Resistance”
- Fiona Tomkinson “Lawrence Durrell’s Tibetan Exile: Connections between the Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Theme of Exile in The Alexandria Quartet“
- Athanasios Dimakis “‘Orientations in Sunlight’: Lawrence Durrell’s Greek Visualism in Rhodes”
White Mice Poems 2017
- David Radavich “From the Poetry Editor”
- Malcolm Miller “I remember”
- Rachel Michaud “The Leaky Boat”
- Paul Jones “She Sails”
- Katharyn Howd Machan “Land”
- Nancy Cook “Waiting for the Tsunami”
White Mice Poems 2019
- David Radavich “From the Poetry Editor”
- Daisy Bassen “Reflections of an Astronaut, Looking Down on Earth Below (a love song)”
- Daryl Scroggins “August Missions ”
- Jesse Arthur Stone “Slippages”
- Katharyn Howd Machan “Haiku in Terza Rima”
- Marie Henry “Filling in the Spaces”
- Graham Burchell “Traveller”
Notes and Queries
- Peter Harrison “The Last Word on the Strawberry Pink Villa”
- Peter Harrison “The Durrell French Connection”
- David Radavich “Rev. The Fruitful Discontent of the Word: A Further Collection of Poems by Lawrence Durrell, edited by Peter Baldwin”
- Ian MacNiven “Rev. Lawrence Durrell’s Endpapers and Inklings 1933-1988, 2 volumes, edited by Richard Pine”
- Charles Sligh “Rev. Lawrence Durrell, The Placebo, edited by Richard Pine and David Roessel”
- James Clawson “Rev. A Psychoanalytic Study of Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet: Exile and Return by Rony Alfandary”
- Veronica Schuder “Rev. America Abroad: An Epic of Discovery by David Radavich”
- Grove Koger “Durrell Bibliography: 2007–2010”
Notes on Contributors