

Membership of the International Lawrence Durrell Society entitles you to:

  • The ILDS’s newsletter The Herald
  • The annual Membership Directory
  • Information on special events, conferences, and featured publications

As a non-profit organisation run by elected volunteers, we keep annual membership fees as low as we can. All fees are USD. Annual membership dues are a vital support for the ILDS’s mandate to promote the study, understanding, and appreciation of the works of Lawrence Durrell. They help to fund the publication of Deus Loci and the On Miracle Ground conferences.

  • Individual: $25
  • Student: $15
  • Double (single address): $30
  • Individual Lifetime: $800
  • Double Lifetime: $1,000

For new memberships or to renew an existing membership, please complete the form below and follow directions to pay via PayPal, check, or money order. If you are changing addresses and have already paid your membership dues, you can simply complete the form without paying again afterward.

Membership Form



After completing the Membership Form, please pay the appropriate fee via PayPal or by check:

Individuals: $25

Students: $15

Double (single address): $30

Individual Lifetime: $800

Double Lifetime: $1,000

Alternatively, checks or money orders may also be sent directly to:

Paul H. Lorenz, Secretary/Treasurer
The International Lawrence Durrell Society
5601 W. Barraque Street
White Hall, AR 71602

Now that you’ve joined, consider ordering the most-recent issue of Deus Loci with the PayPal buttons below, or order back issues on the Deus Loci page:

Deus Loci (Regular Issue + Domestic US Postage): US $12.50

Deus Loci (Regular Issue + International Postage): US $20.00