Deus Loci NS 14 (2013-2015)
Deus Loci: The Lawrence Durrell Journal NS 14 (2013-2015)
From the Editor
- Ian MacNiven “Found on the Cutting Room Floor: Left out of the Biography”
- Peter Baldwin “‘Sweet undiscovered ends’: A Memoir of Collecting and Publishing Lawrence Durrell”
- Dianne Vipond “Ghosts and Shape-shifting Doppelgängers: Exploring the Uncanny in Lawrence Durrell’s The Avignon Quintet”
- Richard Pine “Judith, A Novel by Lawrence Durrell”
- Isabelle Privat-Keller “‘It is not meaning that we need but sight’: A Study of Lawrence Durell’s Red Limbo Lingo as a Poetic and Symbolic Quest for Freedom”
- David Roessel and Gerald Vincent “A Tale of Two Villages: Lawrence Durrell, Hassan Fathy, and the Story of Gourna”
- Michael Haag “Curate’s Egg on his Face: Being a Reply to Mahmoud Manzalouni’s ‘Curate’s Egg: An Alexandrian Opinion of Durrell’s Quartet’”
- Paul Lorenz “The Metamorphosis of London in the Writing of Lawrence Durrell”
- Corinne Alexandre-Garner “Endgame: From the Closure of Texts to the Ending of a Lifetime’s Oeuvre”
- David Radavich “From the Poetry Editor”
- Michael Colonnese “Stray Goats on a Barrier Island”
- Kateri Kosek “Night Crossing”
- Kateri Kosek “Storm at Sea”
- Katharyn Howd Machan “On Skyros: Grey Stone Beach”
- John Laue “Two Worlds”
- Michael Colonnese “When Demolishing a Beach House on Pine Island, Michigan”
- Jonathan Stubbs “Lawrence Durrell and the Information Services of Cyprus”
- Alice Cheylan “Rev. Dans l’ombre du soleil grec by Corinne Alexandre-Garner”
- Michael Haag “Rev. Durrell and the City edited by Donald Kaczvinsky”
- Julie Hardie “Rev. The Countries We Live in by David Radavich”
- Donald Kaczvinsky “Rev. Judith by Lawrence Durrell, edited by Richard Pine”
- David Radavich “Rev. The Spoken Word: Lawrence Durrell (British Library), introduced by Rachel Foss”
- Yoko Ushironaka “Rev. Sappho by Lawrence Durrell, translated by Michiko Kawano”
- Grove Koger “Durrell Bibliography: 1999-2002”
Notes on Contributors