Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900

Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900

Each year, the International Lawrence Durrell Society organizes panels hosted at the University of Louisville by the Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900. For 2018, the ILDS is organizing a panel on the topic of “Refuge.” As has become standard, the panel is open to discussion of Durrell or other authors and aims to broaden the society’s critical context of issues pertinent to Durrell studies.

The CFP is listed below and is available as a .pdf file: Poetry in/of Late Modernism

Poetry in/of Late Modernism

session sponsored by the International Lawrence Durrell Society

Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900

Louisville, KY | 21-23 February 2019

Building on the interest in new scholarship on poetry shown at our recent conference in Chicago, the International Lawrence Durrell Society invites proposals for 20-minute papers exploring poetry in and of the late modernist period. Possible topics include:

  • the poetry of prominent modernists or late modernists, including Lawrence Durrell, Robert Graves, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Stephen Spender, Stevie Smith, Charles Olson, Laura Riding, W. H. Auden, Edith Sitwell, Cecil Day Lewis, Jean Genet, Gwendolyn B. Bennett, and others
  • the role of place in late modernist poetry, potentially including networks of poets associated with a school or location, like the San Francisco Renaissance, or prominent venues, magazines, and periodicals
  • schools or movements in poetry, including Concrete poetry, the Objectivists, the New Romantics, Beat poets, or others
  • representation in late modernist poetry, including female writers, LGBT writers, and writers of color
  • an understanding of the field more broadly, including placing late modernism in context

The ILDS welcomes proposals for any paper addressing the concept of poetry in late modernism, whether within or beyond the scope of this list. Proposals exploring Lawrence Durrell’s poetry in the context of late modernism are especially encouraged.

Deadline for submission of proposal is 7 September 2018.

Please plan for a presentation of no more than twenty minutes. Submit proposal by email to mailto:clawson@gmail.com. Include two attachments in pdf, rtf or doc format:

  1. The first attachment should consist of a 300-word abstract (double-spaced and titled), omitting all references to the submitter.
  2. The second attachment should contain a cover page that includes the following information:
    • Name as it will appear in the program
    • Address (preferably home address)
    • E-mail address (necessary to confirm your acceptance)
    • Academic affiliation, if applicable
    • Title of paper/work (as it will appear in the program)
    • National origin/genre of work(s) discussed (please be specific)
    • Personal biographical note (100-150 words)

The 47th annual Louisville Conference on Literature & Culture since 1900 will be held at the University of Louisville, 21-23 February, 2019. Please see the conference’s official website for additional information.